Crypto.com’s Mission to Seek Regulatory Clarity for Digital Assets
An SEC First: NFTs are Sold as Securities
First SEC Enforcement Action Arising Out of the New Marketing Rule Targets FinTech Investment Advisor Titan Global Management
SDNY Rules Ripple’s XRP token is NOT a Security
SEC’s Stunning Enforcement Actions against Binance and Coinbase
A Positive Step Forward or Much Ado About Nothing Yet Again? SEC FinHub Releases a “Framework for ‘Investment Contract’ Analysis of Digital Assets” and Historic No-Action Letter on Digital Assets for TurnKey Jet
The Future of Digital Asset Regulation: Key Regulators Give Their Thoughts at the D.C. Blockchain Summit (Part 2)
The SEC Expands its Enforcement Throughout the Digital Industry
One Year after the “DAO Report” Three U.S. Courts Begin to Provide Crypto-Clarity
Metamorphosis: Digital Assets and the U.S. Securities Laws

Crypto.com’s Mission to Seek Regulatory Clarity for Digital Assets

By: Cheryl L. Isaac, Judith Rinearson, Eden L. Rohrer, and Joshua L. Durham

On 8 October, Crypto.com made two novel, strategic moves to seek regulatory clarity regarding the classification of digital assets. First, the digital asset exchange sued the SEC, claiming that the SEC exceeded its statutory authority with respect to its classification of digital assets as securities without any notice-and-comment rulemaking as required under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). Second, Crypto.com’s affiliate that is a CFTC-registered derivatives exchange petitioned the SEC and CFTC to provide a joint interpretation on how its swap products should be governed by the agencies.

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An SEC First: NFTs are Sold as Securities

By Drew Hinkes, Eden Rohrer, and Josh Durham

On 28 August 2023, in its first enforcement action for securities registration violations brought against an issuer of NFTs, the SEC settled with media and entertainment company, Impact Theory, LLC (Impact).  

The settlement order included findings that from 13 October 2021 to 6 December 2021, Impact sold non-fungible tokens called Founder’s Keys (KeyNFTs) raising approximately US$30 million. Broadly interpreting Howey, the SEC found that the NFTs were sold in investment contracts, based on the company’s public statements about the expected rise in value of the NFTs and its use of profits from sales to develop the company. 

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First SEC Enforcement Action Arising Out of the New Marketing Rule Targets FinTech Investment Advisor Titan Global Management

By Judie Rinearson, Richard Kerr, and Josh Durham

Effective in 2022, the SEC adopted a new Marketing Rule for investment advisers to modernize the regulation of investment adviser advertising and solicitation practices. The adoption of the new Marketing Rule was the first substantive amendment to Rule 206(4)-1 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 since its adoption in 1961. A discussion of the impact of the new Marketing Rule can be found here.

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SDNY Rules Ripple’s XRP token is NOT a Security

By Andrew Hinkes and Eden Rohrer

On July 13, 2023, in a long awaited decision in Securities and Exchange Commission v. Ripple Labs, Inc., Bradley Garlinghouse and Christian A. Larsen, Judge Analisa Torres of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled on the cross-summary judgement motions finding that Defendant Ripple Labs’  XRP Token is not a security, handing the SEC a stunning defeat on many arguments that have been advanced by the SEC in multiple enforcement actions affecting issuers and exchanges of digital assets.

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SEC’s Stunning Enforcement Actions against Binance and Coinbase

By Drew Hinkes, Cliff Histed, Judie Rinearson, Eden Rohrer, Max Black

In a stunning move, over the last two days, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has filed back-to-back enforcement actions against major crypto exchanges Binance (See https://www.sec.gov/files/litigation/complaints/2023/comp-pr2023-101.pdf) and Coinbase (See https://www.sec.gov/litigation/complaints/2023/comp-pr2023-102.pdf . This clearly indicates that the SEC is flexing its enforcement power over both international exchanges as well as those exchanges with a focus on the United States.

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A Positive Step Forward or Much Ado About Nothing Yet Again? SEC FinHub Releases a “Framework for ‘Investment Contract’ Analysis of Digital Assets” and Historic No-Action Letter on Digital Assets for TurnKey Jet

By Margaret N. Rosenfeld, Robert M. Crea, Jonathan M. Miner and Steven B. Levine

In a flurry of activity today, the U.S. SEC’s Strategic Hub for Innovation and Technology (“FinHub”) issued a “Framework for ‘Investment Contract’ Analysis of Digital Assets” and the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance (“CorpFin”) issued a historic No-Action Letter to Turnkey Jet, Inc. (“TurnKey Jet”) in connection with its offer and sale of digital assets.  The Framework doesn’t contain anything substantially new for U.S. securities law practitioners who have been giving guidance to companies regarding digital assets (or utility tokens, security tokens or digital securities depending upon your term of choice) for some time, but serves as a good reminder of the SEC staff’s thought process in this area for those new to the space. 

And in case you missed Footnote 1 to the Framework, Bill Hinman (SEC Director of CorpFin) and Valerie Szczepanik (SEC Senior Advisor for Digital Assets and Innovation) released a Statement on the Framework reminding everyone that the SEC has not approved or disapproved of the content and it is not a rule or regulation.  These types of Frameworks are often how the internal staff at the SEC get the ball rolling on regulatory innovations (recall the legendary Project Aircraft Carrier of 1998). The Framework applies the factors set forth in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Howey case to digital assets, without going further. Therefore, it’s worth questioning whether Director Hinman has lost the argument internally at the SEC that he posited in his June 2018 Digital Asset Transactions remarks, in which he included “does application of the Securities Act protections make sense” in his list of considerations for assessing whether a digital asset offering is an investment contract.

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The Future of Digital Asset Regulation: Key Regulators Give Their Thoughts at the D.C. Blockchain Summit (Part 2)

By Daniel S. Cohen

On March 6th, the Chamber of Digital Commerce held its Fourth Annual D.C. Blockchain Summit. One of the first panels featured a discussion on the current and future contours of the digital asset regulatory regime with Daniel Gorfine, Director of LabCFTC; Kavita Jain, FINRA’s Director of the Office of Emerging Regulatory Issues; Jessica Renier, Senior Advisor on Domestic Finance for the Treasury Department; and Valerie Szczepanik, the SEC’s Senior Advisor for Digital Assets & Innovation.

Ms. Szczepanik explained that the SEC staff is developing guidance regarding digital assets but declined to provide a timetable for its release. She noted that whether a digital asset is a security will, as it does now, depend on whether it is an investment contract in light of its individual facts and circumstances. Ultimately, the SEC is seeking to promote financial innovation, capital formation, and wealth creation but in balance with investor protections.

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The SEC Expands its Enforcement Throughout the Digital Industry

By Dan S. Cohen

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) is ramping up its enforcement efforts in the digital asset industry, expanding its focus to include digital asset brokers and investment companies. On September 11, the Commission issued an order against a digital asset hedge fund and announced a settlement with a self-described “ICO superstore” for violating federal securities laws. The Commission fined Crypto Asset Management LP and its principal for failing to register as an investment company, among other things. According to the SEC, Crypto Asset Management, which trades digital assets exclusively, is an investment company pursuant to the Investment Company Act because it “invest[s], reinvest[s], own[s], hold[s] or trad[es] in securities.

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One Year after the “DAO Report” Three U.S. Courts Begin to Provide Crypto-Clarity

By Clifford C. Histed and Nicole C. Mueller

One year ago today, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) published the “DAO Report” which concluded that certain tokens issued in an initial coin offering (“ICO”) were securities under the Supreme Court decision SEC v. W.J. Howey Co.  The Report stated that whether an ICO is a security offering will depend on the facts and circumstances, including the economic realities of the transaction.  Confusion, private lawsuits, SEC enforcement actions, and even criminal prosecutions ensued, but three courts are about to provide clarity.

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Metamorphosis: Digital Assets and the U.S. Securities Laws

By Robert M. Crea, Anthony R.G. Nolan and Eden L. Rohrer

In the past year, the U.S Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and Chairman Jay Clayton have repeatedly cautioned the cryptocurrency and initial coin offering (“ICO”) industries about the securities law implications for digital assets.  On February 6, 2018, in testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, Chairman Clayton notably asserted that “[e]very ICO I’ve seen is a security.”

However, on June 14, 2018, William Hinman, the SEC’s Director of the Division of Corporation Finance, stated that, putting aside the fundraising that accompanied the creation of Ether, “current offers and sales of Ether are not securities transactions.”  This statement was based on a novel theory of evolving decentralization that may very well have significant ramifications for cryptocurrency and ICO markets.

Please see our latest K&L Gates HUB article for a discussion about the context and implications for Director Hinman’s conclusions surrounding Ether.  It also analyses the specific factors he suggests weighing in determining whether a given digital asset is a security.

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